Rodger Dodge is a 2D mobile game, released on iOS and Android in 2017. (The game is currently "out of print" on both platforms.)


In the summer of 2016, I decided to pursue a game development project with my close friend and collaborator Jonathan Fobbs. When he floated the idea of a kid who wanted to get hit with dodge balls, I knew we had found our hook.


What followed was a six month development process that I directed and produced, with the help of two very talented programmers, Samuel Venable and Peter Venoit. I created the majority of the game's visual elements, and Jonathan supplied its audio, including score and sound effects.


The result was a crisp, clean gameplay experience that really leaned into the quirky, cartoony flavor of the Budgess Man brand.


Unable to maintain ongoing updates, Rodger Dodge was made unavailable in 2019. It is my hope to eventually bring it back with additional features and game modes, but there are currently no plans in place.


In 2018, I wrote the first of many planned Rodger Dodge "mini-novels" entitled Rodger Dodges the Killer Coaster. Plans for subsequent books have been redirected into a potential animated series.